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Vaccine Schedule

Patient Resources


At Peak Pediatric Care, we follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommended vaccine schedule for all our patients, which is outlined below.

Pediatric care for kids in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut

Well Visit Vaccine Schedule

At Peak Pediatric Care, we are committed to providing comprehensive and evidence-based care to all of our patients. The vaccine schedule below outlines the required vaccines for all of our patients, based on the latest recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements.

BirthHep B
1 MonthNone
2 MonthVaxelis, Prevnar, Rotarix
4 MonthVaxelis, Prevnar, Rotarix
6 MonthVaxelis, Prevnar
9 MonthNone
12 MonthMMR, Varicela, Hep A*
15 MonthPrevnar, Hib
18 MonthDtap, Hep A*
2 YearNone
2.5 YearNone
3 YearNone
4 YearMMRV (combo), Kinrix
5 - 10 YearNone
11 YearTdap, Menactra, HPV*
12 YearHPV*
13 - 15 YearNone
16 - 18 YearMenactra, Men B

* Hep A and HPV are not part of the Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements and are optional at Peak

Pediatric care for kids in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut

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Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Medical Release Form​

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Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Health Insurance Form​

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pediatrician for boys and girls in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut

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