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Dosing Charts

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Dosing Charts

Use the charts below to determine your child’s medicine dose. Dosage is based on your child’s weight and the concentration of the product you are giving.


Dosing Guidelines

See dosing guides for:

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Dosing

For children older than 4 months (unless instructed by our office to give to a younger child due to fever, pain or vaccination).

Dose is every 4-6 hours. Infant and Children’s Tylenol are the same dose. The only difference is that Infant Tylenol comes with a syringe instead of a cup.

Dose 40 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 1.25 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) N/A
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) N/A
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) N/A
Dose 80 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 2.5 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 1 tablet
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) N/A
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) N/A
Dose 120 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 3.75 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 1.5 tablets
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) N/A
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) N/A
Dose 160 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 5 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 2 tablets
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) 1 tablet
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) N/A
Dose 240 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 7.5 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 3 tablets
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) 1.5 tablets
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) N/A
Dose 325 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 10 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 4 tablets
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) 2 tablets
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) 1 tablet
Dose 500 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 15 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 6 tablets
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) 3 tablets
Regular Strength 325 mg tablets (Older children/teens) 1.5 tablets
Dose 650 mg
Infants’ or Children’s Liquid 160 mg/5ml 20 ml
Chewable 80 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 8 tablets
Junior Strength 160 mg tablets(Children who can swallow pills) 4 tablets

Ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) Dosing

For children older than 6 months.

Dose is every 6-8 hours. Infant and Children’s Motrin/Advil are different doses. Please check the bottle and make sure you know which product you are using.

Dose 50 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml 1.25 ml
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 2.5 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) N/A
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) N/A
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) N/A
Dose 75 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml 1.875 ml
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 3.75 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 1.5 tablets
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) N/A
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) N/A
Dose 100 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml 2.5 ml
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 5 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 2 tablets
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) 1 tablet
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) N/A
Dose 150 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml 3.75 ml
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 7.5 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 3 tablets
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) 1.5 tablets
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) N/A
Dose 200 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml 5 ml
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 10 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 4 tablets
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) 2 tablets
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) 1 tablet
Dose 300 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml N/A
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 15 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 6 tablets
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) 3 tablets
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) 1.5 tablets
Dose 400 mg
Infant Drops 50 mg/1.25 ml N/A
Children’s Liquid 100 mg/5 ml 20 ml
Chewable 50 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) 8 tablets
Junior Strength 100 mg tablets (Children who can swallow pills) 4 tablets
Regular Strength 200 mg tablets (Olders children and teens) 2 tablets

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Dosing

Dose is every 6-8 hours.

Do not give to children under 2 years old unless instructed by your healthcare provider. Side Effects: May cause drowsiness and occasionally causes excitation instead. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after taking Benadryl.

Dose 10 mg
Children’s Liquid 12.5 mg/5 ml 4 ml
Chewable 12.5 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years) N/A
Adult 25 mg tablets/capsules (Children who can swallow pills) N/A
Dose     12.5 mg
Children’s Liquid 12.5 mg/5 ml     5 ml
Chewable 12.5 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years)     1 tablet
Adult 25 mg tablets/capsules (Children who can swallow pills)     N/A
Dose     18.75 mg
Children’s Liquid 12.5 mg/5 ml     7.5 ml
Chewable 12.5 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years)     1.5 tablets
Adult 25 mg tablets/capsules (Children who can swallow pills)     N/A
Dose     25 mg
Children’s Liquid 12.5 mg/5 ml     10 ml
Chewable 12.5 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years)     2 tablets
Adult 25 mg tablets/capsules (Children who can swallow pills)     1 tablet
Dose     50 mg
Children’s Liquid 12.5 mg/5 ml     20 ml
Chewable 12.5 mg tablets (Children older than 3 years)     4 tablets
Adult 25 mg tablets/capsules (Children who can swallow pills)     2 tablets

Symptom Check

Learn how serious your symptoms are, if a healthcare visit is needed, and what steps you can take to relieve your symptoms at home.

Dr. Hansen’s Tips

Even when your child is otherwise healthy, you may have questions about how to keep them safe and help them thrive. We’ve put together a collection of answers to common questions to help parents and caregivers, including:

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