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Patient Forms

Save time when you come into the office by completing your patient forms online. All forms can be signed electronically from your computer or phone.


Refills, Referrals, and Other Paperwork

Please send all refill, referral and other paperwork requests through your patient portal account.

Current Patient Forms

Consent for Non-Parent to Bring Minor Child to Appointment

Authorize another adult to bring your child to their appointment at Peak.

New Patient Forms

New Patient Registration

All patients must complete this form to be registered at Peak. Please note, that even patients who previously were with Dr. Hansen at Sturdy Pediatrics must complete this form.

Medical Records Release

In order to receive your past medical records from your previous provider, you must complete this form for each child registered at Peak Pediatric Care. We will send your signed copy to the provider’s office and request the records be sent directly to us.

Required Office Policy Forms

Please review and sign our financial, privacy, and vaccine policies. It is important that you take a moment to read through each policy so that you will have a full understanding of the office policies. These policies must be signed by all patients. Save time at your next appointment by signing the forms now.

Health Insurance

Please complete our health insurance form so that we can prepare your account for your first appointment. Completing this form now will allow us to confirm your insurance prior to arriving for your appointment. We will still need to scan your card when you arrive for your appointment, so please be sure to bring it with you.

Release Records From Peak / Transferring Out

Release Your Records from Peak

Whether you are transferring out of Peak Pediatric Care to a new office, or you need your records sent to a specialist, we will need you to complete a medical record release form.

Peak is currently closed, but we've got you covered!

We’re here to help, even outside of office hours. Check out our online resources, such as our symptom checker or dosing guide.

Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Medical Release Form​

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.
Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Health Insurance Form​

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.
Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Sign our Financial Policy​

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.
pediatrician for boys and girls in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut

Sign up to be notified about our April Peak New Patient Session

Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Become a Peak Patient!

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.