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Become a Patient at Peak Pediatric Care

Join Us at Peak

Hey there! We’re excited to have you join the Peak family. To get started, simply fill out the registration form below. We’ll then send a medical record release form and office policies to complete your registration. It’s a breeze – we promise!

👶🏻 👧🏾 We accept new patients from newborns through 22-years-old.

Patient Registration Form

Peak is currently closed, but we've got you covered!

We’re here to help, even outside of office hours. Check out our online resources, such as our symptom checker or dosing guide.

Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Medical Release Form​

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.
Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Health Insurance Form​

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.
Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Sign our Financial Policy​

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.
pediatrician for boys and girls in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut

Sign up to be notified about our April Peak New Patient Session

Peak Pediatrics in North Attleboro, MA

Become a Peak Patient!

Enter the information for the first child you are registering. You can add additional children in the next step.